Sunday, October 24, 2010

One Last Chance 2011

This country has entered a new era. We have one last chance to show the world that we are the strongest country in the world. Not only are we the strongest military but we are the strongest economy, the strongest ethics and moral fibers run deeply through our country.

The fringe are just that, the fringe, and should not carry any importance in everyday life. Sure we need to keep watching them because they could start something that we will be very sorry for in the future but they are a small minority of this country.

Most of us are hard working people that care about others. We don't want to give away money to those that waste it but it is important that we reach out around the world and help those in need.

Why? Because they are part of the human race and we are civil and thoughtful about our fellow mankind. There are those that say we do not owe anyone and each person should take care of themselves but that goes against the whole reason we jumped out of Neanderthal into humankind, we became civil to one another. We cared what happened to our neighbor as well as ourselves. That is what it means to be human beings.

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