Sunday, August 26, 2012

And Now For Something Completely Different

I thought I would borrow the title from one of my favorite comedy shows of the past, Monty Python's Flying Circus.  They can be seen from time to time on television, mostly BBC or Public Television here in the states.

If you have been watching the Little League World Championship games, I am sure you have noticed how much bigger the boys are getting.  The six foot mark has been overcome in height and the two hundred pound mark has been bettered as well.

Now, I don't know how you look at this, but from my perspective a twelve year old boy that weighs over two hundred pounds and stands over six foot tall is too big for Little League play.  Is it "Little" league or not?

We need to impose a weight and height limit for those that play in the Little League.

It is not fair to those boys that still are little to have to compete against those at that size range.  Those larger boys should be moved up to the next sized league, what we used to call Pony League.  At least they would be playing with boys their own size.

I have been watching the elimination games and most of the players are much smaller than the six foot mark and weigh little over one hundred pounds, some up to one hundred fifty pounds.  That should be the limit.  Under 5ft 7" and under 150lbs.  That would make it fair for each player to compete.

Japan has a pitcher that throws the ball over 75 miles per hour on a Little League field, which is the equivalent of a Major League Baseball pitcher throwing 95 miles per hour.  Are you kidding me?  Most of these kids, even the ones that bat very well, cannot get the bat around fast enough to hit this guy.  This is not a fair match up at all.  I quit watching the game in the second inning because it was obvious that the Japanese were going to win the game because of their advantage with the large pitcher.

If you agree with me, then you should voice your opinion to the Little League Association of the United States and urge them to take it to the international organization for some changes to be made very soon.  The situation will only get worse.


Friday, July 13, 2012

The New Super Power

Will we continue to be the world's only "super power" or will we all just have to get along?

First of all, don't try to take my guns.  I don't have any yet but when I do, don't try and take them away because I have a right to defend myself against animals or people.

However, we don't need a bunch of Hatfield's and McCoy's feuds springing up all over the country either.  So how do we approach citizens being armed to the teeth or disarmed?

It has to be with a common sense perspective.  The only way to have that is to display everything that is involved with arms control in a country.  What are we talking about?  Can the citizenry be armed or not?

I say yes and with as much power as they can accummulate.  If they live on a hillside and can construct cannons to protect themselves, I say more power to them!

On the other hand, we don't want mini-wars breaking out all over the country so how do we control everything?

We get everyone in the country to agree about how to control everything.  We agree on how to control criminal issues in our country why can we not come together and agree on arms and how they can be used.  We certainly do not want the criminal elements of our country to get an upper hand on the citizenry therefore we cannot disarm the public.

It is going to take a sober look at all of this to come to a conclusion but as a country we need to do that soon and end the debate over gun control.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Our's is a Jerry Springer Culture

Yes, that's right.  I said we are a "Jerry Springer Culture" and if you turn the news on today you will agree with me.  Sometimes I am not sure if it is the Jerry Springer Show or the evening news.

First of all, why did I pick Jerry Springer?  Well, all you have to do is tune into one of his shows and according to his ratings, there are many of us each time his show airs that are tuning into his show.  We see the most screwed part of our society displayed in front of everyone.  People calling each other names, disrespecting everything about life and other people, generally showing the worst part of our culture.

Especially during elections now, we can see the worst of our culture showing through.  Candidates that stretch the truth so far that it no longer exists.  Someone once remarked that if you say something enough times it will stick even though it is not true.

Politicians have a nack for saying nothing while talking for several minutes.  They also have a nack for saying things that are partially true and sometimes outright lying to us.  This is all to confuse us as to what the person is actually saying.  That way if they are called out for saying these things, they can deny that is what they said.  Amazing how many people fall for this smoke and mirror type of talking.  Each candidate has people that will vote for them based on what they are saying.

A perfect example comes to mind when talking about oil, gas or any natural resource that we have in our country.  I have heard about the Keystone pipeline until I am sick of it because nothing being said about the pipeline is clear enough to understand exactly what is going on with the project.  I tried to listen to each side talk about the sand oil in the pipeline from Canada, through Nebraska down to Texas to be refined.  I tried very hard to understand why the pipeline was so important but I kept hearing conflicting information, depending on who was talking.

If Democrats talked about the pipeline it was all about the environmental considerations.  If the Republicans are talking they point to the jobs, the new source of oil and lower fuel prices in our country.  Neither side is being totally honest with us as they speak.  They are not telling us about the pipeline already in place down to Oklahoma, which is not far from Texas on my map.  A pipeline from Oklahoma to Houston refineries would be better in my opinion.

Why are they, both sides, hiding the fact that we already have pipelines from Alberta, through Illinois, to Oklahoma.  The oil from Canada is already going down that pipeline.  What happened was very ingenius in my estimation.  They reversed the flow of oil in one of the pipelines.  The one that existed already bringing oil up from Oklahoma oil fields to the refineries in Illinois.  Once Illinois had more oil than they could refine, the northern flow of oil was not needed.  A new company bought the Oklahoma oil production and the pipeline.  They stopped the flow north and started oil coming south.

So, what do we do when we cannot get proper information.  We go back to basics and do the research ourselves.  That is exactly what I did and what I found was very interesting about the pipelines already in place that none of us are being told about, by either side.  You would think the Democrats would yell the info from the highest mountain to defeat the pipeline legislation however we never heard anything about the pipeline not being needed.  Could that be Canadian pressure on the USA being applied?  Canada is desperately trying to cash in on their oil deposit.  It is huge.

Lets talk about the sand oil and understand what this source yields in actual positive energy supply.  It takes natural gas burning to first reduce the oil out of the sand.  That means we are producing a negative amount of energy at this time.  What I mean is we are paying more for the production of the oil than the oil energy value it will produce.

Canada has to sell their oil to us at a steep discount because this pipeline is the only one out of town right now.  That is why they wanted the Keystone two pipeline legislation passed in our country.  An image of lots of money changing hands in Washington DC comes to mind immediately.  I wonder why?  The net results of building this pipeline is a negative to this country in reality.  The discount we get in Illinois will disappear as soon as the pipeline is moving oil south to Texas.  Our costs to refine will go up therefore our costs of the fuel will go up.  The citizens of the USA lose on the deal.

What Canada needs is a way to ship their oil overseas to the market that will pay the most for the oil, Europe, China, etc.  The Keystone two pipeline would have done that but at the peril of every square inch of the USA the pipeline crossed.  That includes a large fresh water aquifer and across a key river, the Missouri. 

Now, you have to understand that corporations figure in accidents when they consider what their profits are going to be in the future.  I don't know how many accidents on pipelines occur and what the percentage of chances of an accident occuring along the pipelines.  The companies build in that accident risk in their overall plans to build and utilize a pipeline, shouldn't we consider the value of that pipeline vs the value of the land it will pass through?

All of this brings us back to where I began this blog, the dialogue in our country with citizens arguing about ideology, slinging disrespect across the board.  Our politicians and political pundents are leading the parade.  Ethics, morals and common sense is being replaced by a Jerry Springer culture because of this.

Get money out of politics, take the incentive of cheating out of the mix, bring ethics and morals up a few levels, bring back respectful speaking in politics and our society will begin to follow that lead.  Talk about role models, they are the role models for society.  Politicians should be made to understand that more than anything.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Let's Bring Back The Draft In This Country - For Congress

Let's Bring Back The Draft here in this country. 
This time we will draft people to serve in Congress and the Presidency.  We sort of do that with our elections but the elections have become tainted, to say the least, so we need to change things around a little.  Let's draft the people for two years service and place them where they serve the country the best.
First, I believe each citizen, whether born here or immigrating to this country, should serve the country for two years out of their lives.  It could be done on many different levels with some doing community service on behalf of the country, such as in Social Security and Medicare.  Instead of having to pay the staff of each office, local people would take care of the administration of each office.  Many with the skills would have the time to do this for two years out of their lives.  After all, we ask our service personnel to serve a minimum of two years to help us on the national security front, we can ask others to take care of helping administer tax payer programs on the local level.
Those Drafted to Congress, whether it be the House or the Senate, will be of skill levels that suit that position in our government of the people.  The President will be CEO skill level and a person that has shown their entrepreneurial spirit and success in the marketplace.  Someone that will know how to manage a business, day to day, and be able to negotiate on behalf of the people of the country.  The Vice-President will also have a working knowledge of managing a business but will have unique skills to complement the President.  The third person in line of the presidency would be appointed by the President and Vice-President to be Speaker of The House, a person solely there to assure parliamentary procendures in the Senate, a person proven to be dedicated to an unbiased position politically.  If the Senate vote is tied, the Speaker will cast the tie breaking vote based on an educated perspective.
The judges would be appointed the same as they are now with perhaps a tweak or two here and there across the board.  The idea would be to level the competitive field for those who would like to volunteer their skills to serve their fellow citizens. 
Judges should be vetted completely before given such a lofty position of power.
If you have never thought of it before, think about it now. 
Two years to make a difference or to continue the staus quo, whichever occurs in Congress during the time each person serves.  An opportunity for those citizens that have a passion to serve their country.  No representative should have to pay out of their own money the costs of serving their country.  Therefore, compensation should be paid to the respresentative to find good shelter, adequate food, health care and transportation while serving.  It would be part of the agreement with the taxpayer that insurance companies doing business in this country would be required to offer each person serving our country health and accident insurance coverage while serving and seamless coverage upon entering and exiting service.
The idea is definitely out there but not impossible.  It would certainly take a country citizenry ready to cooperate to make this country great once again, showing the world that our country, the United States of America, is different from the rest of the world and worth the allegiance of those that live there.
What do you think???
Let me know via the comments.  I would love to hear from you.

Occupy Wallstreet - Frustrated and Out of Work

I must say I did not expect this kind of public outrage to what was happening on Wall Street and in the Mortgage/Banking business.

I thought everyone was in a daydream and did not see the direction we were going, even after Allen Greenspan talked about how everything was inflated and could not last very much longer. I cannot remember how many times I heard him say the housing situation was not going to prevail. People kept getting into the real estate frenzy, feeding the beast, until finally the bubble burst. Just like a pinada, once it burst open you could see what was inside. We saw how corrupt all of the players were. No wonder people were getting upside down in their properties, the guys making the deals were getting rich from the fees. Greed in it's purest form at the home of the deals, Wall Street.

Now the people that were reeled in by the system that screwed them are turning on bankers and mortgage brokers. Big banks and big finance corporations are going to find it tough to do business under their present names. There will probably be a run on new corporation names in the next few years as they posture themselves to strike again in the future.

None of them are being prosecuted or held responsible for the mess they created. If they get away with it now it will be easier for them to set it up for another hit in the future.

I have to applaud all of the "occupiers". I knew we had old hippies out there somewhere that would not mind going out and demonstrate again. We need you again. I can't be there full time but I will be in the groups when I can, supporting their voice against big business fraud and greed.

Thank you.