Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Up Date On Barr

I heard Bob Barr interviewed several times recently since he was named by the Libertarian party as their Presidential candidate. He sounds like a Republican still. He had all of the "tag" words in each sentence he uttered. Republicans have done it the wrong way and you certainly cannot turn to the Democrats. That is his message basically. Go back and see how Bob Barr voted while in Congress and tell me he is not a Republican who is pissed off at the elite of the party and has decided to run against them via the Libertarian party.

What is that all about? If you don't like those that control the party you belong to just switch to another party for a while? Just like the Independent Party. They are the safe harbor for the pissed off Democrats.

Can we just get off of this train and take a new and different road?

Is there another road to take? We have to get off of the one that takes us to hell that is for sure!

A friend of mine and I have been talking about how our administration for our country has been lacking for many years. Neither the Democrats or Republicans have delivered for us and we were wondering how all of it would take place. How could real change occur.

First we knew that our country had to get to the place where we were scorned by the world. We thought how in the world is that going to happen. After all we were attacked by Muslim extremist and the world was standing with us. We were beating our enemies in Afghanistan and making that country better for it's citizens.

We thought how could all of that good will across the world disappear suddenly? We figured there was no way that could occur and settled down to play our game of video golf.

The next thing we knew President Cheney was making the case to go to war against Iraq.

I watched the United Nations Council meetings and saw Powell make a fool of himself. I watched as the nuclear proliferation hearings determined that Hussein did not have nuclear capability and did not pursue weapons of mass destruction. What the hell was the rest of the country watching? How could so many be fooled with the mass media we have in this country? Because they are now owned by just a few people, all of whom will cooperate with each other for a common cause. Especially if that cause is to lobby Congress for favors like tax breaks, special tax code, etc.

Whether you are Democrat or Republican you have to be totally pissed off at this government. It has been nothing but infringing on your rights and freedoms in the name of fighting terrorism but in reality it is simply a back door for "big brother" to run your life.

Now let us look at the whole thing in a different perspective.

Don't like the high price of gas because you have not received a raise in salary to compensate for the extra cost of fuel to get around your job? Do something about it.

Don't like paying five and six dollars per gallon of milk instead of two dollars last year? Do something about it.

Don't like companies being able to file bankruptcy and getting rid of the pensions they had in place for past employees and then coming out of bankruptcy without that financial liability? Do something about it.

Don't like who is making all of this happen? Do something about it.

Quit whinning and use your vote wisely. Don't listen to the media, do your homework. Find out about the candidate you are thinking about voting for before you vote for them.

Don't be a robot and vote for the party of your father or peers. Vote your concience.

Ask yourself some very important questions. The first question should be whether you really love and care about this country or not?

If you do, then the next question should be what are you going to do to show that love? Some call it patriotism but I call it love. You have to love your country to lay down your life in service to it.

You have to believe that you make a difference when you go and vote. You make a difference in a casual conversation when you temper the attitude of one or more of the participants that seem to be leaning to far one way or the other. Anyone on one side of the other is not in sinq with most people whose DNA has them cohabitating with others no matter who they are. There is no difference in one man from another or one woman from another. Take it to the molecular level and we are all the same. Take it to the first layer under the skin and you will find the same organization of cells into muscles, connectors, and the power plant organs.

We are all the same and if we did not have skin you could not tell who came from which country let alone which world. Don't you think that a wise God would have many of these types of planets around the universe so creatures like us would develop?

I think so. In fact, I think we are the beginning of the creation and we will develop into more spiritual beings and go to other developing planets to be their guides to God's kingdom. Who knows and who cares, right?

Well, sometimes I feel that way and for some reason deep inside of me I know that is not the right attitude and I come back to the one that says God made us to exist together and to be at peace with one another. Why else?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hello Fellow Citizens of the GOUSA

I cannot imagine a worse situation for a country than the choices we have for our next President. I feel like one of those third world countries that has to put up with their political leaders and hope they don't screw things up so bad our country cannot recover.

The preacher that got Obama in so much trouble was speaking the truth in many of the cases. His comment about what God should do to the country because of the way we have acted politically is not far off from what God probably will do.

Our country has been taken over by those that think money and power are the only things to strive for in life. Our moral fortitude has been weakened and those in power are testing God's patience with us.

WE THE PEOPLE had better get off of our butts and start paying attention or our country will be damned.

We must stand up and resist the politicos in this country and make the government do what we want it to do. We had better stand up and resist those that would lead our country into the abyss.

Neither of the parties in power deserve your support or your money. Quit giving money to the parties and keep it in your savings. You need it much more than they do.

You will notice that even if you do not give to the parties they will still have billionaires supporting them. That is who they live off of. The money in this country runs it. That is why so many of them are in Congress and the Senate.

Actually they are elitists. I hate to use a word that is getting pushed around all over the media in this world but that is exactly what these people are. They have more money than anyone needs and they have no idea what it means to live paycheck to paycheck. Those that do are kept quiet.

We would be better off voting someone like Bob Barr into that position because he would be a good representative. Voting a third party person in does not mean they will remain impartial and that is the only thing that bothers me about him.

If Bob could somehow reach out and show how he would get both parties to cooperate and be more of a good will broker than a warrior across the world then I could vote for him.

If he can lead the Libertarian Party out of the middle ages and into today's civil world he could be the next President.