Sunday, December 29, 2013

Are You Prepared?

No. I am not one of the people that listens to Glen Beck every day or any of the other crazies in our country that think Armageddon is about to happen and we should all dig a hole and fill it with food and water. Oh yea, don't forget the guns and ammo.

That part of the activists' rhetoric is one of the things that makes me laugh out loud. Let me state the obvious for those of you that still don't get the joke. One cannot store enough ammunition in bunkers to defend themselves against a well maintained and supplied military assault. It is a waste of money and energy. It is also very dangerous because ammunition stored for extended time becomes unstable and could blow up. In most of these bunkers there is volatile material in every direction. The bunker would never survive and the people inside would be vaporized. Besides, how many weeks or months could one stay inside of a bunker, especially one that is underground. Believe me, it would not be worth it, especially since eventually you have to come out and join whatever is there when you do emerge. All you have done is wasted all of the time, money and your life preparing for something that never occurs. Ask some of the people that built bomb shelters during the fifties and early sixties in our country how it worked out for them.

If some group takes over the country your money will no longer be valid is another argument used by these theories. If they want total chaos that will happen but put yourself in their position, do you need to disrupt everything to take over a government. No, just let everyone continue to live a normal existence but put more and more restrictions on their everyday lives. Restrictions on movement around the country. Control of ports, both air and sea. End of story, you are now under a new management and you will be told how things will be done from now on. You did not have time to grab your gun and ammo, go to your bug out headquarters or anything. In fact, you are not sure when you should have gone since it does not matter if you did or not. You want to eat bear, deer, turkey, raccoon, alligator, duck, quail, or any other edible animal, and stay in the mountains for the rest of your life, you are certainly welcome to do that with no interference from anyone. Who cares what you do since you are insignificant to the entire economy and lifestyle of anyone else except yourself.

These activists and Charlatans are making money from spreading fear among the lesser educated part of our society. The sale of ammunition spiked and gun shops were mimicking the scare tactics in order to sell more guns and bullets. The fear mongers have succeeded in making some types of ammo more scarce than others, such as those that fit in an AR-15 type weapon that have large ammo clips and 9MM bullets that fit the popular semi-automatic hand gun manufactured by companies such as GLOCK.

The winners of the so called "war on guns" are the manufacturers, radio and television pundits, magazine and newspaper publishers along with the groups that are active in supporting the idea of freedom of citizens to own weapons capable of waging war. The John Birch Society is one of the oldest groups of this kind in the US. They have weapons cached in secret areas ready for an all out assault on whatever government they deem necessary to conquer. Of course, many of these weapons are from WWII because they were stolen from National Guard armories and little to no ammo available for them.

The preparation I am talking about in the title of this blog has nothing to do with digging holes or storing food and water but it does have to do with our freedoms guaranteed in a constitution that was conceived and written by a diverse group of men. Each had his input and the final version carried with it a supreme responsibility of every citizen to care for the country. Are you prepared to be active and involved with our political leaders? Are you a whiner or an activist? Do you know about your government and how it should work? Are you aware of the problems we have as a people controlling a government that is so powerful and bureaucratic? An engaged citizen is a stronger citizen, not one that digs a hole and goes inside to hide.

Elites have been involved with governing our country from the beginning because our economy was agricultural based and they were the only ones that could devote the time necessary to carry out the task of representing a district or state. The idea was simple, this country has a lot of citizens, sitting down with the residents and finding out what they are concerned about or happy about and then taking that information back to the Congress for discussion is the only practical way to have everyone's input. Unfortunately, as the Republic grew and developed, so did greed and corruption. Money started buying legislation and we find ourselves in the middle of that now. Somehow the citizens of this country need to step up and be heard through all of the graft. It takes gathering in large enough groups that it is hard to control the group with brute force and the authorities have to take a wait and see posture. Small groups are easily dispersed and controlled with overwhelming police presence.

Activism is the answer and the country, especially those of the younger generations, have to decide whether they will be followers or leaders. Will they capitulate to the corporations in order to continue to get their lifestyles or will they buck the system and save a bunch of lives down at the bottom of the ladder? I have a grandson that is 19 or 20 years old. We are not that close due to geographic distance between our lives but we communicate and let each other know that we love each other. That is a good feeling to know my grandson loves me but does he know what love is at 19? He has a girlfriend but memory serves me right I did not care what love was then either. My hormones were telling me any girl that was attractive to me was a target with one thing in mind and it was not love. I was a very selfish individual during that time of my life. My interests, my gratification was more important than what the girl thought. I was such a pig! That is how our government is treating it's citizenry now.

It is up to all of us to gather in large numbers to show solidarity and to show strength. We are this country's backbone. Our government works for us and we should show them what we want them to do. If they have no direction, they will run around bumping into one another getting nothing done again. Spread the word around the internet and around your town that it is time to let the politicians know what to do on our behalf. I cringe every time I hear a politician say "The American people want this or that" when they have no clue what the American people want. They have lost contact with "the American people". The only influential force in Congress are special interest groups trying to buy another politician.

We have had a new "boomer" generation born recently according to the birth records so within a few years another "boom" should occur with our country as well. Good Luck to that generation and once again I apologize for the way my generation has left the country. We were too busy consuming to realize what was happening around us. Our government has been purchased by different factions and they are dueling it out in Washington, DC. It will be up to the new generation to be activist and let the politicians know when they are doing a good job and when they are not doing as they should. It is a big job, but as this new year, 2014 will begin in a couple of days, have a Happy New Year and Good Luck in the future.
