Thursday, March 01, 2007

Government In Your Life Again

Can you imagine a government that would mandate all young girls of a certain age put a particular drug inside of their body before they will be accepted into public schools in our nation?

That is what is happening around our country right now. State after state legislators are acting as if they know better than God about how to deal with negative results from having multiple partner sex during early puberty. Those girls that are doing this are being destructive in their lives putting their health at risk of cervical cancer brought on by the HPV. This cancer comes from the sexual activity of the girls that choose sex instead of abstenence.

Parents are supposed to sit down with their young girls and discuss the results of being reckless with their sexual lives. There are consequences that go along with being permiscous and young girls have been dealing with this for a long time before government decided to get involved.

We do not need morality or ethics legislated we need those to come naturally among the populice. If we legislate morality then how are we to know who to trust? Those that will cheat, they will now be able to hide behind legislation until they are caught. Just like gun control, only the cheats will get ahead and the rest of us will be left holding the moral line and losing the battle. That will breed unrest and anarchy eventually.

What Congress and our state legislators need to do is get off their "high horse" and come down to reality. They are not some kind of gods and they cannot tell us what drugs to put into our bodies. Stand up and be heard by these demi-gods and let them know you are not going to be led down the path of a nanny nation which is exactly what the ultra wings of each side want to see happen.

Stop all mandatory vaccinations with drugs that are not properly studied. Let us not rush into thinking our government representatives have our best interest in mind when they pass laws. Analyze the laws for yourself. Does the law restrict their behavior or just yours? Does the law benefit you or them? Does the law take away their secretive meetings and freedoms or does it restrict your freedom and take some of your inalienable rights away? ( For the good of national security.... )

The latest series of laws passed by the Republican controlled Congress was: Bankruptcy reform so you and I can no longer easily get out of a bad financial situation without enlisting the help of some lawyer that will make his or her living off of people like us. Wait a minute, lawyers made the laws where lawyers benefit? Is that legal?

It is in this country and many other things are happening around us and we only see what the media points out and that is only what is making them the most money for advertisements on their networks. Everything seems to be built around getting screwed out of as much money and as many rights and liberties that can possibly be arranged. And we vote these people back in without a second thought>


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