It is plain to see if one reads accounts and watches television, as the politicians posture and take positions, they think the election of 2008 was the last election we will have any chance in effecting as a voting public. If we do not take this last opportunity to do the right thing in 2012 and nullify both major party's influence over our country's affairs we will have lost the fight against the negative energy that has taken over our country by way of it's government. The parties will have been highjacked by their various extreme elements and WE THE PEOPLE will be left out of the process from now on.
The parties use the media, especially the television prime time viewing hours, to bolster their position and divert our attention with some inane programming. Who cares whether or not something happens on a television series? It is not real life and it is amazing how many people in this country will get caught up in the storyline and follow it with every bit of their attention but they will pay no attention to what the politicians are doing to our country.
It is plain to see that if WE THE PEOPLE do not step up and take responsibility of our country we can kiss it goodbye as far as our influence is concerned after 2008.
We have this last chance in the elections to create a new government that is FOR THE PEOPLE and not against the people, BY THE PEOPLE not by these hypocrits that run the country now and FOR THE PEOPLE not for the special interest groups that resemble Forbes' Top 100 Corporations list.
Before I go on with this rant, I need to set the record straight.
I am not against making profit in a company and being successful within the community. That is what all entrepreneurs strive for.
I am against taking that profit and gaining power to effect legislation. That is wrong morally and ethically in my book. That is what Facism is based upon. The power of the money.
If I am polluting the air with my technology, I am responsible to clean it up ASAP. That is such a common sense statement that most who read it would laugh that anyone would have to say it. We all believe in personal responsibility but there are people that will take advantage of that position for their own benefit.
Those that should have cleaned up pollution when they detected it but let it accummulate because of their profit line should not only be held accountible for their lack of standards but also for their pollution clean up. If that puts them out of business then so be it. Another company, another entrepreneur will come immediately and put those people back to work. That is the way it is supposed to work but with so many special interest groups attached to the rule makers we have compromise in the market place where it should not be.
We are allowing compromise in health issues for our country in favor of profits and foreign policy. We are allowing compromise in our safety in favor of other interests. We are compromising our value in the world market. This country's technology and skills is being syphoned off by everyone else. We have the world sending their people to be educated in the best schools available, this country, and then going back to their country and using those skills to take jobs and industries away from our country.
In the meantime our "government" is trying to gain more and more control over us. They are so involved in that goal that they are not paying attention to the flow of value out of our country.
I read a prophecy more than 20 years ago that seemed rediculous to me then but much closer to reality today.
It stated that our country was going to lose it's position and influence in the world somehow. I thought at the time that it would take an awful big thing to happen. No way the US would lose their influence because we were such a strong and righteous country and the world looked at us for guidence.
Now look what has happened. Politics in this country is very bi-partisan when you look at the facts. Who is responsible for the situation that we find ourselves in as a country? Both parties. It is almost like the "good cop" vs "bad cop" scenerio where each party has agreed to be one or the other depending on who is in the majority seat. Forget the bias of each party affiliation and really look into the different associations and confederacies within Congress. They are not always at war with each other, quite the opposite. They are cooperating in their goal of becoming entrenched, sucking off of the federal teat. Once you become a house or senate member you qualify for the golden parachute set up by the past members of Congress.
Both parties are guilty of ineptness or was it on purpose?? Is the "New World Order" something to be taken seriously? Do the powers in charge of our country really believe that the US is the country to bring the New World Order to fruition?
In this prophecy, no longer were we the Super Power that could push the rest of the world around. We end up in a position of having to cooperate with the powers that emerge. At this time it looks like the power will be either China or China and others(Russia perhaps or maybe the Arab nations unite with Russia and China.) Anything is possible once we get to a point of insignificance in the world arena. That is when the Anti-Christ will show his or her face. They will become the world leader and have all of the answers to the world's problems and everyone will love this person for their leadership and their compassion.
Any way one cuts it, this country is losing it's position of authority in the world right now. We have no moral high ground for the war in Iraq. We are losing our will in Afghanistan and facing the melt down of the Middle East today.
We had the world with us when we invaded Afghanistan after the attack by Osama Bin Laden and his Saudi cohorts and we could have made a major success in the Middle East region as a result.
Instead Bush/Cheney - Cheney/Bush took us into Iraq.
Common Sense thinking has to question why did the timing have to occur the way it did?
The only answer that makes sense is the powers wanted the world to turn against us to allow some other entity to take over the leadership of the world. There was no other way it could occur. We were successful at first in Afghanistan and would have been heralded as heroes if we would have finished the job. There was a reason to keep that from happening and we don't know what that reason was...yet.
Why has this happened?
Because WE THE PEOPLE have abdicated our power to the politicians in Washington, DC and in our own front yards. Our city councils, county commisions and other local political theatre is being played out by these phoney political hacks and we allow it. Why? Is it because we have so much other things to worry about that we can't be involved? What is it that causes us not to take responsibility of our government?
Do you know who your local politician is? The one that is setting milage rates for property taxes? School taxes are being paid by the younger of our generations while the elderly become a burden on society because of our political hacks that have been in charge in the past few years. Back when our parents and their parents were in charge it changed and the crooks were allowed to get involved in setting the agenda and passing the laws. Now those crooks run every government in this country. Every county commission, every city council, it seems as though the only ones that volunteer for these jobs are the "hacks".
All of the laws governing the "everyday joe" of our country are made by these individuals. We can no longer sue our doctors if they do something avoidable to us because they have the insurance and law on their side thanks to the latest legislation passed and signed into law.
We can no longer solve our financial problems the same way as before when we were allowed to soften the blow by going through bankruptcy. Bankruptcy was never allowed to be something that it has been labeled in the recent past. Bankruptcy was the last resort before going completely broke and homeless. It saved many people from being on the street by limiting the amount of their actual worth that could be taken and distributed to debtors.
Now an individual does not have the same opportunity thanks mostly to the legislation passed unanamously by Congress from 2000 til now. Our ability to claim bankruptcy has been severely limited and when we do have to solve our financial problems such as the ones discussed, we have to go through so much more than before to solve the problem it is almost impossible for the everyday person to do but corporations can still do it as easy as before the new laws.
More "professionals" are taking their fees as they become involved. That is what most legislation passed in the last decade does, allowing attorneys, doctors, and others to get more money and slowly depleting the funds from the middle class.
Now is the time, the election of 2012, for THE PEOPLE to take our country back from the crooks. Vote them down and out!!
We can do it. But we have to be ready for one hell of a fight. The political parties are very strong. They have so much money at their disposal.
Can you imagine what we as a nation could have accomplished with the billions of dollars being spent on this election and on the war in Iraq? We could take the money spent on commercials on television alone and feed all of the starving people in this country for several months.
We need someone to take over the helm of our country that can lead us to success in the future. We do not have to be this Super Power to have influence. We can have some of the best technology in the world and no one will try and take over our country. We have to be strong but not overpowering.
We need to understand that the media is in this for the money. The media does not care whether you are Republican or Democrat. They will cause controversy in order to have it on their network. There is no telling where they will go with this type of approach to controlling the information you receive.
There is bias in the media but it cuts both ways. We just need to get more involved and more vigilant to protect our liberties and freedoms for the future generations.
Any blogger is invited to comment here. I know I will be from time to time. Who knows What? jayeye
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Executive Previledge ? What is that?
What in the world does Executive Previledge mean? Is that just something these latest Presidents have made up for their own agendas?
We The People better watch very closely between now and the 2008 elections. Neither Party can be trusted.
Word is there is a third party candidate ready to step out. Who could it be? What Party?
Would Al Gore leave the Democrats and become an Independent and run on that ticket with Liberman as his Vice again? Will Al Gore start a new Party? Will Gingrich run on the Republican label or will he have another Party in mind?
Bob Barr might run on the Libertarian ticket. Who would be his Vice? Some say a changling from the Republican Party could go over to the Libertarian Party and become the Vice for Barr.
Independent or Libertarian? Which will come forward to claim their spot as a viable third Party in an atmosphere where The American People feel as if they have no good choices when elections come around.
"I am voting for the lesser of the two evils" is often the reason given for voting at all.
We feel as citizens of our country that we should vote and it is very frustrating when there are no choices that you want to vote for.
It is dishartening when you hear someone say they could not raise enough money to run in an election.
Money should never be the reason a person is viable. Just because someone has a lot of money does not make them trustworthy nor common sense smart.
State lotteries have made instant millionaires of many people across the country each year. Some of them cannot tell you where to vote in their town.
When this country was organized it was done by financially rich Masons. This country was an experiment in Capitalism and what these gentlemen thought of as the New World Order. The idea was to set things up to appear to have elections held across the country to elect local, state and federal government.
That is not what the founding fathers had in mind. They had in mind a combination of political agendas that would yield a nanny world with a bunch of consuming sheep living in it. Not blatant corporate facism but subverted. Create a need and then fill the need. The pharmaceutical companies are great at this technique.
They create a disease for doctors to diagnose and they creat the drug for the doctor to prescribe. The process is amazing when you look at it from all perspectives. It is most dangerous when it comes to children and the drugs they are administering to them.
No one can make me believe that all of a sudden we have this epidemic of children that need drugs to calm them down. I understand there are learning disabilities but they can be overcome and without drugs. It takes work on the parent's part and there is where the problem comes in. We have either lazy or uneducated parents in charge of kids that have no clue. That is the next generation that will be in charge of things in the future. Does that scare the crap of anyone else besides me?
More later.....
We The People better watch very closely between now and the 2008 elections. Neither Party can be trusted.
Word is there is a third party candidate ready to step out. Who could it be? What Party?
Would Al Gore leave the Democrats and become an Independent and run on that ticket with Liberman as his Vice again? Will Al Gore start a new Party? Will Gingrich run on the Republican label or will he have another Party in mind?
Bob Barr might run on the Libertarian ticket. Who would be his Vice? Some say a changling from the Republican Party could go over to the Libertarian Party and become the Vice for Barr.
Independent or Libertarian? Which will come forward to claim their spot as a viable third Party in an atmosphere where The American People feel as if they have no good choices when elections come around.
"I am voting for the lesser of the two evils" is often the reason given for voting at all.
We feel as citizens of our country that we should vote and it is very frustrating when there are no choices that you want to vote for.
It is dishartening when you hear someone say they could not raise enough money to run in an election.
Money should never be the reason a person is viable. Just because someone has a lot of money does not make them trustworthy nor common sense smart.
State lotteries have made instant millionaires of many people across the country each year. Some of them cannot tell you where to vote in their town.
When this country was organized it was done by financially rich Masons. This country was an experiment in Capitalism and what these gentlemen thought of as the New World Order. The idea was to set things up to appear to have elections held across the country to elect local, state and federal government.
That is not what the founding fathers had in mind. They had in mind a combination of political agendas that would yield a nanny world with a bunch of consuming sheep living in it. Not blatant corporate facism but subverted. Create a need and then fill the need. The pharmaceutical companies are great at this technique.
They create a disease for doctors to diagnose and they creat the drug for the doctor to prescribe. The process is amazing when you look at it from all perspectives. It is most dangerous when it comes to children and the drugs they are administering to them.
No one can make me believe that all of a sudden we have this epidemic of children that need drugs to calm them down. I understand there are learning disabilities but they can be overcome and without drugs. It takes work on the parent's part and there is where the problem comes in. We have either lazy or uneducated parents in charge of kids that have no clue. That is the next generation that will be in charge of things in the future. Does that scare the crap of anyone else besides me?
More later.....
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Are all other political parties being ignored by media?
It kind of strikes me odd to see how little if any attention other political parties. Has anyone heard about the Libertarian Party candidates for the national ticket? How about states wide has anyone heard about their local Libertarian candidate?
How about Green? Reform? Socialist? Communist? Independent? We know of some Independent politicians so where does their party stand on the issues? Is there really an Independent Party? It seems as though the party exists but where is it's representatives.
Is Joe Libberman really a member of the Independent Party or do politicians just take that label if they cannot get their own party's endorsement?
That is the only "third party" name that gets through to the media. Everything else is pretty much ignored. Mr. Whiner as I call Joe took the Independent label to get elected knowing he could never get some of the Republicans that he knew supported him to vote for a Democrat. He had to move over to the Independent.
The Democrat Party knew all about this and went along with the whole thing right down to having a "Democrat" candidate oppose him in the run-off. It is all a show put on for the "American People".
That is what we are you know. Every politician seems to know what we want, what we are thinking, what we would like in the future... they seem to know everything about "The American People" cause they are always saying what the American People want is so and so. I get tired of hearing that because no one has asked me what I think or what I want. I am an American People. I deserve to be asked but nooooo..... they just want to think they know what "the American People" are thinking.
The funny thing about it is our politicians cannot be farther(further)? from the truth. We don't want what they say we do. We don't ask for the legislation they put forth.
No one that I know said to their Congressional representative "I want legislation that will limit my ability to come back from a bad financial decision and live a decent life again" and yet that is what one of the laws signed into law by GW has done.
The new bankruptcy law that was shoved through by our politicians limits our ability to enter bankruptcy but allowed all of the big corporations to go bankrupt just before the law came into effect(ie. Delta Airlines).
They have had time to find ways to circumvent the new legislation so corporations are free to go bankrupt if they feel the need but you and I are restricted in many ways making it much harder for us to be able to use the same 'stop-gap' measure to renew our lives.
There is other legislation passed taking your rights and freedoms and bending them to shape what the government needs to keep you in line with the status quo. That is my take on everything.
Lets hope that within the next couple of years a third party will unveil itself to be just as powerful and charismatic as some of the other candidates and give the major two parties a run for their money, so to speak....
by for now
How about Green? Reform? Socialist? Communist? Independent? We know of some Independent politicians so where does their party stand on the issues? Is there really an Independent Party? It seems as though the party exists but where is it's representatives.
Is Joe Libberman really a member of the Independent Party or do politicians just take that label if they cannot get their own party's endorsement?
That is the only "third party" name that gets through to the media. Everything else is pretty much ignored. Mr. Whiner as I call Joe took the Independent label to get elected knowing he could never get some of the Republicans that he knew supported him to vote for a Democrat. He had to move over to the Independent.
The Democrat Party knew all about this and went along with the whole thing right down to having a "Democrat" candidate oppose him in the run-off. It is all a show put on for the "American People".
That is what we are you know. Every politician seems to know what we want, what we are thinking, what we would like in the future... they seem to know everything about "The American People" cause they are always saying what the American People want is so and so. I get tired of hearing that because no one has asked me what I think or what I want. I am an American People. I deserve to be asked but nooooo..... they just want to think they know what "the American People" are thinking.
The funny thing about it is our politicians cannot be farther(further)? from the truth. We don't want what they say we do. We don't ask for the legislation they put forth.
No one that I know said to their Congressional representative "I want legislation that will limit my ability to come back from a bad financial decision and live a decent life again" and yet that is what one of the laws signed into law by GW has done.
The new bankruptcy law that was shoved through by our politicians limits our ability to enter bankruptcy but allowed all of the big corporations to go bankrupt just before the law came into effect(ie. Delta Airlines).
They have had time to find ways to circumvent the new legislation so corporations are free to go bankrupt if they feel the need but you and I are restricted in many ways making it much harder for us to be able to use the same 'stop-gap' measure to renew our lives.
There is other legislation passed taking your rights and freedoms and bending them to shape what the government needs to keep you in line with the status quo. That is my take on everything.
Lets hope that within the next couple of years a third party will unveil itself to be just as powerful and charismatic as some of the other candidates and give the major two parties a run for their money, so to speak....
by for now
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Government In Your Life Again
Can you imagine a government that would mandate all young girls of a certain age put a particular drug inside of their body before they will be accepted into public schools in our nation?
That is what is happening around our country right now. State after state legislators are acting as if they know better than God about how to deal with negative results from having multiple partner sex during early puberty. Those girls that are doing this are being destructive in their lives putting their health at risk of cervical cancer brought on by the HPV. This cancer comes from the sexual activity of the girls that choose sex instead of abstenence.
Parents are supposed to sit down with their young girls and discuss the results of being reckless with their sexual lives. There are consequences that go along with being permiscous and young girls have been dealing with this for a long time before government decided to get involved.
We do not need morality or ethics legislated we need those to come naturally among the populice. If we legislate morality then how are we to know who to trust? Those that will cheat, they will now be able to hide behind legislation until they are caught. Just like gun control, only the cheats will get ahead and the rest of us will be left holding the moral line and losing the battle. That will breed unrest and anarchy eventually.
What Congress and our state legislators need to do is get off their "high horse" and come down to reality. They are not some kind of gods and they cannot tell us what drugs to put into our bodies. Stand up and be heard by these demi-gods and let them know you are not going to be led down the path of a nanny nation which is exactly what the ultra wings of each side want to see happen.
Stop all mandatory vaccinations with drugs that are not properly studied. Let us not rush into thinking our government representatives have our best interest in mind when they pass laws. Analyze the laws for yourself. Does the law restrict their behavior or just yours? Does the law benefit you or them? Does the law take away their secretive meetings and freedoms or does it restrict your freedom and take some of your inalienable rights away? ( For the good of national security.... )
The latest series of laws passed by the Republican controlled Congress was: Bankruptcy reform so you and I can no longer easily get out of a bad financial situation without enlisting the help of some lawyer that will make his or her living off of people like us. Wait a minute, lawyers made the laws where lawyers benefit? Is that legal?
It is in this country and many other things are happening around us and we only see what the media points out and that is only what is making them the most money for advertisements on their networks. Everything seems to be built around getting screwed out of as much money and as many rights and liberties that can possibly be arranged. And we vote these people back in without a second thought>
That is what is happening around our country right now. State after state legislators are acting as if they know better than God about how to deal with negative results from having multiple partner sex during early puberty. Those girls that are doing this are being destructive in their lives putting their health at risk of cervical cancer brought on by the HPV. This cancer comes from the sexual activity of the girls that choose sex instead of abstenence.
Parents are supposed to sit down with their young girls and discuss the results of being reckless with their sexual lives. There are consequences that go along with being permiscous and young girls have been dealing with this for a long time before government decided to get involved.
We do not need morality or ethics legislated we need those to come naturally among the populice. If we legislate morality then how are we to know who to trust? Those that will cheat, they will now be able to hide behind legislation until they are caught. Just like gun control, only the cheats will get ahead and the rest of us will be left holding the moral line and losing the battle. That will breed unrest and anarchy eventually.
What Congress and our state legislators need to do is get off their "high horse" and come down to reality. They are not some kind of gods and they cannot tell us what drugs to put into our bodies. Stand up and be heard by these demi-gods and let them know you are not going to be led down the path of a nanny nation which is exactly what the ultra wings of each side want to see happen.
Stop all mandatory vaccinations with drugs that are not properly studied. Let us not rush into thinking our government representatives have our best interest in mind when they pass laws. Analyze the laws for yourself. Does the law restrict their behavior or just yours? Does the law benefit you or them? Does the law take away their secretive meetings and freedoms or does it restrict your freedom and take some of your inalienable rights away? ( For the good of national security.... )
The latest series of laws passed by the Republican controlled Congress was: Bankruptcy reform so you and I can no longer easily get out of a bad financial situation without enlisting the help of some lawyer that will make his or her living off of people like us. Wait a minute, lawyers made the laws where lawyers benefit? Is that legal?
It is in this country and many other things are happening around us and we only see what the media points out and that is only what is making them the most money for advertisements on their networks. Everything seems to be built around getting screwed out of as much money and as many rights and liberties that can possibly be arranged. And we vote these people back in without a second thought>
Friday, February 09, 2007
Open Letter To The United States of America's Muslim Community
To the Muslims that live in the United States:
Please forgive my boldness to speak out but I have remained silent too long.
I am a United States citizen. I was born in this country and am very proud of what we as a country have accomplished in the world up until the last few decades.
After World War II our country became involved in trying to spread democracy as we know it. That is wrong thinking for a government of a society such as that in the USA. The world can take us as an example but we should not try and force our way on any other country.
After saying that I am very proud of the way the USA will come to the aid of those that are in need around the world. We are not a selfish nation and will do anything to bring peace and harmony across the continents when called upon by other nations.
Our political leaders have gotten out of control lately. We The People no longer control our government as we used to. The people had much more power back in the earlier part of the twentieth century. We were much more united then.
After World War II that ended somehow. I was just a boy at the time but I could tell the difference. Our government began to act independently from what the majority of the citizens wanted it to do.
To make a long story short we the people of the United States have been silent too long. As you have seen in the recent past election and will see more of it in the future, we the people of this country are beginning to show our disapproval of our government and the actions taken by them. We are beginning to speak out.
Now it is your time to do the same. Many citizens in this country are asking why you have not come out with a strong statement up until now.
Fate has brought our cultures together. Please think about why you live where you live now. Did you come over to the United States of America because you felt safe and felt that you could pursue happiness as you saw fit? Is it because you felt accepted no matter which part of the Muslim community you came from?
Whether Sunni, Shiite or any other branch of the Muslim community you were accepted as a visitor and then as a citizen later on. Some of you are still waiting to become citizens but you have embraced our society. That means you owe society your respect and your loyalty. You also gain respect and loyalty by being part of that society. That is how it works in our country even though it does not seem to be that way now.
We all remain strong as a country if we remain UNITED. We cannot be strong as the DIVIDED states.
Therefore I beg of you to come forward with your profession of respect and loyalty for the country in which you live. Let all of the citizens of this great country know that you stand with them against any foreign or domestic threat.
What will this do you might ask?
It will bring your community closer together as a unit in this country and it will cement your relationship with the rest of the US society. It will bring about more security for you because of all the new friends and confidants that you will gain by stepping out and professing your displeasure and your condemnation of anyone who takes part in attacking innocent people.
The public in this country are not combatants and we have no other means to effect change other than elections and peaceful transitions. We have succeeded to keep the White House and Military apart from the Congress so we have a definite division in authority with each carrying the same power. We have kept it that way for over two hundred years now. We will be able to effect change in our government’s actions by elections and such but if we have an internal problem between communities we are facing much worse problems in the future.
We are a nation with armed citizens in every corner of our country. It would be impossible for any other government to take our country because of that. We have so many citizens that would give their life for their country and with the heavy weaponry that has been maintained “underground” with the militias across the USA, we are too strong of a country to try and conquer from without. We can be conquered from within by having internal turmoil occur between different communities. That is what is brought on by “Nationalism” that borders on bigotry which is starting to creep into our society.
It is up to each of us in this country to keep that from happening. We must come together as a nation and stand UNITED to show our strength. Not just our physical strength but our mental strength as well. There is much to be said about the power of many minds united in one thought or attitude.
The Muslim community must come out with a strong statement and a strong stance against any type of terrorism being deployed across the world in the name of Islam or in the name of Allah. The Creator that I have my faith based upon would not accept any suicide bomber into a high place in the Kingdom that we all wish to be part of in the next life. Many texts have been written specifically referring to the action of killing innocents and the punishment of death that accompanies these types of actions. Taking of one’s own life is specifically condemned as wasteful and fruitless. No creation can kill another creation without a reason.
If one has to take the life of a creature for means of food then one should thank the Creator for having this available and to take the spirit of that creature immediately to paradise. If one is attacked by another and has to kill in self defense then once again the attacked must ask for forgiveness for having to commit this action. Our Creator will judge and deal with the attacker and it is not ours to take revenge on this person. That is why killing of any other creation is not what our Creator wishes us to do however as merciful as our Creator is there are allowances made for humans to work through this life in order to qualify for the next. Otherwise none of us would qualify after going through life here on this planet today. There is so much controversy around.
Please strive to unite your Muslim community in this country and come out with one voice. Condemn the actions taken by the part of your community that is causing death and tragedy across the world. Come out with a strong voice uniting with the rest of the citizens of the USA against any foreign or domestic element trying to cause violence and death in this country as well.
Teach in your Mosques that it is wrong to hate any other person for their government’s actions.
Teach that it is wrong to be a suicide bomber and the person who blows up is immediately dead to the universe. There is no paradise for this person their spirit dies immediately. There is no spirit only death when one takes that kind of action.
Our Creator has specified certain actions for us to live by. Mohammed mentioned this many times in his teachings which were put together in your Koran and our Bible based on the same Creator that we all believe in.
Do you think it is coincidence that Jews, Christians, Muslims and all of the other monotheistic groups believe in the same Creator, the Creator of the entire universe? It is the same Creator that we all have to answer to when it comes time to report on what we did with our blessings and our lives.
Killing is one of the most specific things mentioned in all text written about our Creator and our life here on earth. This planet will be used by our Creator to bring about a Kingdom that is set up the way it was intended from the beginning. The evil spirit that is causing all of the controversy across the world is put away and unable to influence anyone’s spirit. The perfect Kingdom is set up with all living together in peace and harmony.
The US Muslim community must come out in a public way as long as it takes for everyone across the country to understand that you and your community pose no threat to the general society here. This is important for many reasons such as the security for your community.
I know you are afraid of the bad element in your community and that you feel you will be punished by them if you come out publicly against them. This may be true for a while but the rest of us will come to your side and fight with you against that element to put it down. First it must be identified and at this time it is hiding among your community and ours. It is not just within the Muslim community that this element exists but within the general population there is much consternation about what we will be facing next. If your community shows their United States of America loyalty the rest of the USA will be there for them to help in any way we can I assure you.
We are not like the country you came from. Freedom and liberties are very dear to our beliefs and harmony living together is what we strive for in this nation. At least the majority of us feel that way and we can control the rest if necessary.
One thing about this country that is true and always will be is that when the need arises we will fight together for our freedom against any foe.
We are such a strong opponent no other country has thought about defeating us but we are weakened by our divisions within the country and that must be dealt with soon.
Please have your community come out with a strong voice and make the media cover the events. Call all networks and let them know how you feel. Go on television and local radio to let the community know how you feel. Try in every way to get across to the rest of the citizens of this country that you will help defend it against any evil element.
Of course all of this is dependent on whether you want to live in harmony and peace in the first place. Do you want to have a safe and happy place for your children to grow up in? You left your birth country for a reason. You have to examine what that reason was and if you stand for peace, harmony and the pursuit of happiness for every citizen of this country.
If you do not stand for this it would behoove you to leave now while you can. There is no chance of that evil element to succeed in this country because no one will stand for it. Terrorism does not work in this country for long. It might surprise and weaken those closest to the action but the rest of us will come to their aid and will defeat anything standing in our way. That is the nature of this country and it’s citizens. That is the type of Nationalism that is strong and healthy for a country. Won’t you get your community to join the rest of us in voicing your opposition to the evil element at work in the world today?
I am sending this to you with the hopes that one community will influence another until our country is united into one strong nation again.
May our Creator bless you and your families and protect us through this trial we are all going through.
Please forgive my boldness to speak out but I have remained silent too long.
I am a United States citizen. I was born in this country and am very proud of what we as a country have accomplished in the world up until the last few decades.
After World War II our country became involved in trying to spread democracy as we know it. That is wrong thinking for a government of a society such as that in the USA. The world can take us as an example but we should not try and force our way on any other country.
After saying that I am very proud of the way the USA will come to the aid of those that are in need around the world. We are not a selfish nation and will do anything to bring peace and harmony across the continents when called upon by other nations.
Our political leaders have gotten out of control lately. We The People no longer control our government as we used to. The people had much more power back in the earlier part of the twentieth century. We were much more united then.
After World War II that ended somehow. I was just a boy at the time but I could tell the difference. Our government began to act independently from what the majority of the citizens wanted it to do.
To make a long story short we the people of the United States have been silent too long. As you have seen in the recent past election and will see more of it in the future, we the people of this country are beginning to show our disapproval of our government and the actions taken by them. We are beginning to speak out.
Now it is your time to do the same. Many citizens in this country are asking why you have not come out with a strong statement up until now.
Fate has brought our cultures together. Please think about why you live where you live now. Did you come over to the United States of America because you felt safe and felt that you could pursue happiness as you saw fit? Is it because you felt accepted no matter which part of the Muslim community you came from?
Whether Sunni, Shiite or any other branch of the Muslim community you were accepted as a visitor and then as a citizen later on. Some of you are still waiting to become citizens but you have embraced our society. That means you owe society your respect and your loyalty. You also gain respect and loyalty by being part of that society. That is how it works in our country even though it does not seem to be that way now.
We all remain strong as a country if we remain UNITED. We cannot be strong as the DIVIDED states.
Therefore I beg of you to come forward with your profession of respect and loyalty for the country in which you live. Let all of the citizens of this great country know that you stand with them against any foreign or domestic threat.
What will this do you might ask?
It will bring your community closer together as a unit in this country and it will cement your relationship with the rest of the US society. It will bring about more security for you because of all the new friends and confidants that you will gain by stepping out and professing your displeasure and your condemnation of anyone who takes part in attacking innocent people.
The public in this country are not combatants and we have no other means to effect change other than elections and peaceful transitions. We have succeeded to keep the White House and Military apart from the Congress so we have a definite division in authority with each carrying the same power. We have kept it that way for over two hundred years now. We will be able to effect change in our government’s actions by elections and such but if we have an internal problem between communities we are facing much worse problems in the future.
We are a nation with armed citizens in every corner of our country. It would be impossible for any other government to take our country because of that. We have so many citizens that would give their life for their country and with the heavy weaponry that has been maintained “underground” with the militias across the USA, we are too strong of a country to try and conquer from without. We can be conquered from within by having internal turmoil occur between different communities. That is what is brought on by “Nationalism” that borders on bigotry which is starting to creep into our society.
It is up to each of us in this country to keep that from happening. We must come together as a nation and stand UNITED to show our strength. Not just our physical strength but our mental strength as well. There is much to be said about the power of many minds united in one thought or attitude.
The Muslim community must come out with a strong statement and a strong stance against any type of terrorism being deployed across the world in the name of Islam or in the name of Allah. The Creator that I have my faith based upon would not accept any suicide bomber into a high place in the Kingdom that we all wish to be part of in the next life. Many texts have been written specifically referring to the action of killing innocents and the punishment of death that accompanies these types of actions. Taking of one’s own life is specifically condemned as wasteful and fruitless. No creation can kill another creation without a reason.
If one has to take the life of a creature for means of food then one should thank the Creator for having this available and to take the spirit of that creature immediately to paradise. If one is attacked by another and has to kill in self defense then once again the attacked must ask for forgiveness for having to commit this action. Our Creator will judge and deal with the attacker and it is not ours to take revenge on this person. That is why killing of any other creation is not what our Creator wishes us to do however as merciful as our Creator is there are allowances made for humans to work through this life in order to qualify for the next. Otherwise none of us would qualify after going through life here on this planet today. There is so much controversy around.
Please strive to unite your Muslim community in this country and come out with one voice. Condemn the actions taken by the part of your community that is causing death and tragedy across the world. Come out with a strong voice uniting with the rest of the citizens of the USA against any foreign or domestic element trying to cause violence and death in this country as well.
Teach in your Mosques that it is wrong to hate any other person for their government’s actions.
Teach that it is wrong to be a suicide bomber and the person who blows up is immediately dead to the universe. There is no paradise for this person their spirit dies immediately. There is no spirit only death when one takes that kind of action.
Our Creator has specified certain actions for us to live by. Mohammed mentioned this many times in his teachings which were put together in your Koran and our Bible based on the same Creator that we all believe in.
Do you think it is coincidence that Jews, Christians, Muslims and all of the other monotheistic groups believe in the same Creator, the Creator of the entire universe? It is the same Creator that we all have to answer to when it comes time to report on what we did with our blessings and our lives.
Killing is one of the most specific things mentioned in all text written about our Creator and our life here on earth. This planet will be used by our Creator to bring about a Kingdom that is set up the way it was intended from the beginning. The evil spirit that is causing all of the controversy across the world is put away and unable to influence anyone’s spirit. The perfect Kingdom is set up with all living together in peace and harmony.
The US Muslim community must come out in a public way as long as it takes for everyone across the country to understand that you and your community pose no threat to the general society here. This is important for many reasons such as the security for your community.
I know you are afraid of the bad element in your community and that you feel you will be punished by them if you come out publicly against them. This may be true for a while but the rest of us will come to your side and fight with you against that element to put it down. First it must be identified and at this time it is hiding among your community and ours. It is not just within the Muslim community that this element exists but within the general population there is much consternation about what we will be facing next. If your community shows their United States of America loyalty the rest of the USA will be there for them to help in any way we can I assure you.
We are not like the country you came from. Freedom and liberties are very dear to our beliefs and harmony living together is what we strive for in this nation. At least the majority of us feel that way and we can control the rest if necessary.
One thing about this country that is true and always will be is that when the need arises we will fight together for our freedom against any foe.
We are such a strong opponent no other country has thought about defeating us but we are weakened by our divisions within the country and that must be dealt with soon.
Please have your community come out with a strong voice and make the media cover the events. Call all networks and let them know how you feel. Go on television and local radio to let the community know how you feel. Try in every way to get across to the rest of the citizens of this country that you will help defend it against any evil element.
Of course all of this is dependent on whether you want to live in harmony and peace in the first place. Do you want to have a safe and happy place for your children to grow up in? You left your birth country for a reason. You have to examine what that reason was and if you stand for peace, harmony and the pursuit of happiness for every citizen of this country.
If you do not stand for this it would behoove you to leave now while you can. There is no chance of that evil element to succeed in this country because no one will stand for it. Terrorism does not work in this country for long. It might surprise and weaken those closest to the action but the rest of us will come to their aid and will defeat anything standing in our way. That is the nature of this country and it’s citizens. That is the type of Nationalism that is strong and healthy for a country. Won’t you get your community to join the rest of us in voicing your opposition to the evil element at work in the world today?
I am sending this to you with the hopes that one community will influence another until our country is united into one strong nation again.
May our Creator bless you and your families and protect us through this trial we are all going through.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Nationalism - Can be negative
I am back to discuss Nationalsim and how it can be negative. My brother and I discuss many things during our conversations together and one of them is Nationalism.
I see Nationalism occuring in the USA where we used to have cooperative thinking.
For instance, when someone from Italy came over to this country to live they struggled to learn the english language because of two reasons: 1) They wanted to be able to exist therefore survival depended on learning the new language. 2) They wanted to fit in and be accepted by their new neighbors and their new home.
It meant something to be called an "American". Although that could mean you are from South America, Central America or North America. I always felt being from the United States of America was unique therefore should have a unique name not just "American".
How about US-American. Everyone else is hypenating their names such as African-American, Hispanic-American and Asian-American. Why not US-American? If you do not want to be a US-American then leave this country. We do not want those that hate us living among us. If you are not used to fitting in then fit out.
Being US-American says I am a member of the United States of America's citizenry and am proud of it. It says we are a United States and remain unified through all types of troubles. It says what our founding father's always wanted for this country and that is a uniqueness that is envied by the rest of the world.
What happened to that kind of Nationalism? It has been replaced by the kind of Nationalism that Hitler professed. Hitler's aim was to steal all of the resources of the surrounding countries and possibly the world's resources would have been under his command and to save the purity of the White Race. He was a bigot and tried to promote bigotry.
I hear grumblings here in this country about the Muslims, the Hispanics, the Blacks and the Elite among other groups that are being separated out. In our country's past these groups would come to this country to become part of this country and the society and not to be separated. In fact we enacted some laws that makes it against the law to segregate our public areas. We teach that it is wrong to discriminate in schools but in the pulpits discrimination is preached. Every religion believes that they are the smartest and the chosen ones waiting for their Savior. Some believe their Savior came already and will come again and there are those that are still waiting for their Savior or Messiah to arrive.
Can you imagine their surprise when they find out none of them really understood what our Creator is all about? Can you imagine the indignity most of them will feel that they were wrong all of this time? Can you imagine the scramble to be the ones that finally find the answer first? But there will be no "first" since everyone that has ever existed will learn at the same time what the truth is.
All beings will understand what life is about when the time comes.
I find it very hard to believe that our Creator has it set up for people to vanish from the face of the earth at one moment like those that believe in a "rapture" where people disappear. Can you imagine how much chaos it would cause for all types of vehicles colliding in that moment because the driver disappeared? Our Creator would never set something like that up for us.
No, I cannot be convinced that will happen. Just like I am not convinced that our Creator causes all types of disasters across this world. Not after reading the only resource books and stories that have been told and written in man's history. That is not the Creator that I read about.
Nature is what that is called. Call it evil Nature vs good Nature if you perceive it that way. Call it Satan if you perceive it that way but by all that is rational don't call it an "Act Of God". Our Creator would not put into place that which is going to kill and mame and destroy. That is not the act of a Creator. That is an act of the Destroyer. Think about it.
Why has this quote not been questioned by anyone in the past? Insurance companies have been getting away with this for so long that everyone just accepts it. We need to change that right away in my opinion.
Hurricanes and such are not "Acts Of God" but "Acts Of Nature" and not all Nature is God therefore not all Nature events are "Acts Of God".
Tornadoes, floods, pestulence are all "Acts Of Evil Nature".
Don't blame our Creator for the negative things that occur on this earth. If you will recall the "creation story" as told in all of the cultures across the world our Creator first created a spiritual world that was occupied by beings that revolted against the will of the Creator. Then a second creation occurred where humans developed. One rationale for this could be that a "trial life" was necessary for our Creator to "cull out the bad apples" or rather have them cull themselves out. That is what each of us does during our lifetime. We either cull ourselves out or we make it through the trial and into the Kingdom of our Creator.
I have no idea what this post is all about except I felt like getting these thoughts down where someone else could read them. bye for now
I see Nationalism occuring in the USA where we used to have cooperative thinking.
For instance, when someone from Italy came over to this country to live they struggled to learn the english language because of two reasons: 1) They wanted to be able to exist therefore survival depended on learning the new language. 2) They wanted to fit in and be accepted by their new neighbors and their new home.
It meant something to be called an "American". Although that could mean you are from South America, Central America or North America. I always felt being from the United States of America was unique therefore should have a unique name not just "American".
How about US-American. Everyone else is hypenating their names such as African-American, Hispanic-American and Asian-American. Why not US-American? If you do not want to be a US-American then leave this country. We do not want those that hate us living among us. If you are not used to fitting in then fit out.
Being US-American says I am a member of the United States of America's citizenry and am proud of it. It says we are a United States and remain unified through all types of troubles. It says what our founding father's always wanted for this country and that is a uniqueness that is envied by the rest of the world.
What happened to that kind of Nationalism? It has been replaced by the kind of Nationalism that Hitler professed. Hitler's aim was to steal all of the resources of the surrounding countries and possibly the world's resources would have been under his command and to save the purity of the White Race. He was a bigot and tried to promote bigotry.
I hear grumblings here in this country about the Muslims, the Hispanics, the Blacks and the Elite among other groups that are being separated out. In our country's past these groups would come to this country to become part of this country and the society and not to be separated. In fact we enacted some laws that makes it against the law to segregate our public areas. We teach that it is wrong to discriminate in schools but in the pulpits discrimination is preached. Every religion believes that they are the smartest and the chosen ones waiting for their Savior. Some believe their Savior came already and will come again and there are those that are still waiting for their Savior or Messiah to arrive.
Can you imagine their surprise when they find out none of them really understood what our Creator is all about? Can you imagine the indignity most of them will feel that they were wrong all of this time? Can you imagine the scramble to be the ones that finally find the answer first? But there will be no "first" since everyone that has ever existed will learn at the same time what the truth is.
All beings will understand what life is about when the time comes.
I find it very hard to believe that our Creator has it set up for people to vanish from the face of the earth at one moment like those that believe in a "rapture" where people disappear. Can you imagine how much chaos it would cause for all types of vehicles colliding in that moment because the driver disappeared? Our Creator would never set something like that up for us.
No, I cannot be convinced that will happen. Just like I am not convinced that our Creator causes all types of disasters across this world. Not after reading the only resource books and stories that have been told and written in man's history. That is not the Creator that I read about.
Nature is what that is called. Call it evil Nature vs good Nature if you perceive it that way. Call it Satan if you perceive it that way but by all that is rational don't call it an "Act Of God". Our Creator would not put into place that which is going to kill and mame and destroy. That is not the act of a Creator. That is an act of the Destroyer. Think about it.
Why has this quote not been questioned by anyone in the past? Insurance companies have been getting away with this for so long that everyone just accepts it. We need to change that right away in my opinion.
Hurricanes and such are not "Acts Of God" but "Acts Of Nature" and not all Nature is God therefore not all Nature events are "Acts Of God".
Tornadoes, floods, pestulence are all "Acts Of Evil Nature".
Don't blame our Creator for the negative things that occur on this earth. If you will recall the "creation story" as told in all of the cultures across the world our Creator first created a spiritual world that was occupied by beings that revolted against the will of the Creator. Then a second creation occurred where humans developed. One rationale for this could be that a "trial life" was necessary for our Creator to "cull out the bad apples" or rather have them cull themselves out. That is what each of us does during our lifetime. We either cull ourselves out or we make it through the trial and into the Kingdom of our Creator.
I have no idea what this post is all about except I felt like getting these thoughts down where someone else could read them. bye for now
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Important Letter To The World
A Letter To The World
To all that are listening and reading from around the world, I would like to set the record straight about what the USA stands for.
Our "media"(television, radio, movies) is not the way to find out about this country and it's citizens. Do not believe the "War Mongers" throughout the world that would benefit by your being angry at the people governing our country. We are angry too but we can handle this problem in a peaceful way if you will have patience with us. That is what makes this country and our citizens so unique in the world and why people flock to live here. We will vote the people out of power and we will continue with our lives. That is the way we handle differences here in the country.
Do Not Believe What You See On Television!I have worked in the "media" industry for more than thirty years and I can tell you that if you use our media for indication of how life is in this country you will be mistaken. Our media is driven by headlines and those that cause them.
My partner and I own broadcast video equipment and have been on assignments all over the world. We have worked for every major network in the US and were independent "stringers" for Ted Turner's Cable News Network and other cable entities for twenty five years. We worked with the local Atlanta television stations to help them gather news footage at various important events. We have extensive experience working with news journalists in the field which gives us the insight needed to be considered experts in the industry.
Propaganda is used by the media to incite various actions around the country. Many believe the media is controlled by a particular national agenda and while it may be true that it is influenced by events I cannot say that one particular group has any more influence than another. The media reacts or causes reactions and only in very rare situations will the media "create" events. Only unethical reporters will stoop that low.
The current political apparatus in our country is out of control and does not represent the majority of the citizens. The media is controlled by corporate entities which makes the information "suspect" at the very least and unreliable in most cases.
Our government borders on being a fascist government which is based on Nationalism and corporate identification. Being a citizen of the United States of America and being proud of it is not nationalism as I am referring to it.
The Nationalism I refer to is that of the bigots, the one's that don't tolerate diversity in a society. Hitler and his regime was Nationalism at it's very core as is displayed by many regimes across the world. Ethnic cleansing is Nationalism at it's most dangerous level.
Over half of the citizens of this country believe that the government needs to be fixed. We believe that our representatives should be respected and dependable around the world not just in our country. Mostly we believe that the rest of the world should have a true picture of what the people of our country are like.
We believe that each person has a right to pursue their interests as long as it is not at the detriment of another person. Basically that gives every person born in this country the equal chance to pursue a life doing whatever they choose to do.
It is when a person does nothing that the system fails.
Everyone should hold their own and no one should be on total welfare unless they are put into a position of disability through no fault of their own. A husband or wife dies leaving a family in dire straights is no fault of the family and should be remedied by those of us in society that are much better off than the family. It is called "sharing" not "redistribution" as the pundits like to call it.
Our society will not throw them on the street to starve because we are civil and to do so would cause a major problem in our economy therefore it behooves us to create some type of mechanism to kick in when these sort of things occur.
We have to be vigilante to make sure no one takes advantage of this help by abusing the system. There needs to be security measures put in place. A monitoring mechanism that will report on the success or failure of particular programs. Those that do not work can be eliminated and this eliminates fraud in the long run.
We are so computer oriented in the USA and across the world that this should be an easy task for the computer hacks. I use the term "hacks" in the most endearing way.
For the most part our country is the great place that you read about but it is the people that make up the country and we are not happy with our politicians and their actions at this time.
Killing civilians ("innocents" is what the Koran calls them)kills the soul of the assailant. If the soul is dead there can be no reward after death. That is what should be taught in schools, churches, mosques, and etc. Who would give their life for nothing? Only the most radical thinking person would do that and education can help change their hearts and minds.
I wanted to publish this letter in hopes that enough people across the world will read it and pass the idea long. We, the citizens of the United States of America, hold these truths to be self evident. All people are created equal and deserve the opportunity to pursue happiness without the threat of war always in our forefront.
Jah knows
To all that are listening and reading from around the world, I would like to set the record straight about what the USA stands for.
Our "media"(television, radio, movies) is not the way to find out about this country and it's citizens. Do not believe the "War Mongers" throughout the world that would benefit by your being angry at the people governing our country. We are angry too but we can handle this problem in a peaceful way if you will have patience with us. That is what makes this country and our citizens so unique in the world and why people flock to live here. We will vote the people out of power and we will continue with our lives. That is the way we handle differences here in the country.
Do Not Believe What You See On Television!I have worked in the "media" industry for more than thirty years and I can tell you that if you use our media for indication of how life is in this country you will be mistaken. Our media is driven by headlines and those that cause them.
My partner and I own broadcast video equipment and have been on assignments all over the world. We have worked for every major network in the US and were independent "stringers" for Ted Turner's Cable News Network and other cable entities for twenty five years. We worked with the local Atlanta television stations to help them gather news footage at various important events. We have extensive experience working with news journalists in the field which gives us the insight needed to be considered experts in the industry.
Propaganda is used by the media to incite various actions around the country. Many believe the media is controlled by a particular national agenda and while it may be true that it is influenced by events I cannot say that one particular group has any more influence than another. The media reacts or causes reactions and only in very rare situations will the media "create" events. Only unethical reporters will stoop that low.
The current political apparatus in our country is out of control and does not represent the majority of the citizens. The media is controlled by corporate entities which makes the information "suspect" at the very least and unreliable in most cases.
Our government borders on being a fascist government which is based on Nationalism and corporate identification. Being a citizen of the United States of America and being proud of it is not nationalism as I am referring to it.
The Nationalism I refer to is that of the bigots, the one's that don't tolerate diversity in a society. Hitler and his regime was Nationalism at it's very core as is displayed by many regimes across the world. Ethnic cleansing is Nationalism at it's most dangerous level.
Over half of the citizens of this country believe that the government needs to be fixed. We believe that our representatives should be respected and dependable around the world not just in our country. Mostly we believe that the rest of the world should have a true picture of what the people of our country are like.
We believe that each person has a right to pursue their interests as long as it is not at the detriment of another person. Basically that gives every person born in this country the equal chance to pursue a life doing whatever they choose to do.
It is when a person does nothing that the system fails.
Everyone should hold their own and no one should be on total welfare unless they are put into a position of disability through no fault of their own. A husband or wife dies leaving a family in dire straights is no fault of the family and should be remedied by those of us in society that are much better off than the family. It is called "sharing" not "redistribution" as the pundits like to call it.
Our society will not throw them on the street to starve because we are civil and to do so would cause a major problem in our economy therefore it behooves us to create some type of mechanism to kick in when these sort of things occur.
We have to be vigilante to make sure no one takes advantage of this help by abusing the system. There needs to be security measures put in place. A monitoring mechanism that will report on the success or failure of particular programs. Those that do not work can be eliminated and this eliminates fraud in the long run.
We are so computer oriented in the USA and across the world that this should be an easy task for the computer hacks. I use the term "hacks" in the most endearing way.
For the most part our country is the great place that you read about but it is the people that make up the country and we are not happy with our politicians and their actions at this time.
Killing civilians ("innocents" is what the Koran calls them)kills the soul of the assailant. If the soul is dead there can be no reward after death. That is what should be taught in schools, churches, mosques, and etc. Who would give their life for nothing? Only the most radical thinking person would do that and education can help change their hearts and minds.
I wanted to publish this letter in hopes that enough people across the world will read it and pass the idea long. We, the citizens of the United States of America, hold these truths to be self evident. All people are created equal and deserve the opportunity to pursue happiness without the threat of war always in our forefront.
Jah knows
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