Monday, February 05, 2007

Nationalism - Can be negative

I am back to discuss Nationalsim and how it can be negative. My brother and I discuss many things during our conversations together and one of them is Nationalism.

I see Nationalism occuring in the USA where we used to have cooperative thinking.

For instance, when someone from Italy came over to this country to live they struggled to learn the english language because of two reasons: 1) They wanted to be able to exist therefore survival depended on learning the new language. 2) They wanted to fit in and be accepted by their new neighbors and their new home.

It meant something to be called an "American". Although that could mean you are from South America, Central America or North America. I always felt being from the United States of America was unique therefore should have a unique name not just "American".

How about US-American. Everyone else is hypenating their names such as African-American, Hispanic-American and Asian-American. Why not US-American? If you do not want to be a US-American then leave this country. We do not want those that hate us living among us. If you are not used to fitting in then fit out.

Being US-American says I am a member of the United States of America's citizenry and am proud of it. It says we are a United States and remain unified through all types of troubles. It says what our founding father's always wanted for this country and that is a uniqueness that is envied by the rest of the world.

What happened to that kind of Nationalism? It has been replaced by the kind of Nationalism that Hitler professed. Hitler's aim was to steal all of the resources of the surrounding countries and possibly the world's resources would have been under his command and to save the purity of the White Race. He was a bigot and tried to promote bigotry.

I hear grumblings here in this country about the Muslims, the Hispanics, the Blacks and the Elite among other groups that are being separated out. In our country's past these groups would come to this country to become part of this country and the society and not to be separated. In fact we enacted some laws that makes it against the law to segregate our public areas. We teach that it is wrong to discriminate in schools but in the pulpits discrimination is preached. Every religion believes that they are the smartest and the chosen ones waiting for their Savior. Some believe their Savior came already and will come again and there are those that are still waiting for their Savior or Messiah to arrive.

Can you imagine their surprise when they find out none of them really understood what our Creator is all about? Can you imagine the indignity most of them will feel that they were wrong all of this time? Can you imagine the scramble to be the ones that finally find the answer first? But there will be no "first" since everyone that has ever existed will learn at the same time what the truth is.

All beings will understand what life is about when the time comes.

I find it very hard to believe that our Creator has it set up for people to vanish from the face of the earth at one moment like those that believe in a "rapture" where people disappear. Can you imagine how much chaos it would cause for all types of vehicles colliding in that moment because the driver disappeared? Our Creator would never set something like that up for us.

No, I cannot be convinced that will happen. Just like I am not convinced that our Creator causes all types of disasters across this world. Not after reading the only resource books and stories that have been told and written in man's history. That is not the Creator that I read about.

Nature is what that is called. Call it evil Nature vs good Nature if you perceive it that way. Call it Satan if you perceive it that way but by all that is rational don't call it an "Act Of God". Our Creator would not put into place that which is going to kill and mame and destroy. That is not the act of a Creator. That is an act of the Destroyer. Think about it.

Why has this quote not been questioned by anyone in the past? Insurance companies have been getting away with this for so long that everyone just accepts it. We need to change that right away in my opinion.

Hurricanes and such are not "Acts Of God" but "Acts Of Nature" and not all Nature is God therefore not all Nature events are "Acts Of God".

Tornadoes, floods, pestulence are all "Acts Of Evil Nature".

Don't blame our Creator for the negative things that occur on this earth. If you will recall the "creation story" as told in all of the cultures across the world our Creator first created a spiritual world that was occupied by beings that revolted against the will of the Creator. Then a second creation occurred where humans developed. One rationale for this could be that a "trial life" was necessary for our Creator to "cull out the bad apples" or rather have them cull themselves out. That is what each of us does during our lifetime. We either cull ourselves out or we make it through the trial and into the Kingdom of our Creator.

I have no idea what this post is all about except I felt like getting these thoughts down where someone else could read them. bye for now


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