It kind of strikes me odd to see how little if any attention other political parties. Has anyone heard about the Libertarian Party candidates for the national ticket? How about states wide has anyone heard about their local Libertarian candidate?
How about Green? Reform? Socialist? Communist? Independent? We know of some Independent politicians so where does their party stand on the issues? Is there really an Independent Party? It seems as though the party exists but where is it's representatives.
Is Joe Libberman really a member of the Independent Party or do politicians just take that label if they cannot get their own party's endorsement?
That is the only "third party" name that gets through to the media. Everything else is pretty much ignored. Mr. Whiner as I call Joe took the Independent label to get elected knowing he could never get some of the Republicans that he knew supported him to vote for a Democrat. He had to move over to the Independent.
The Democrat Party knew all about this and went along with the whole thing right down to having a "Democrat" candidate oppose him in the run-off. It is all a show put on for the "American People".
That is what we are you know. Every politician seems to know what we want, what we are thinking, what we would like in the future... they seem to know everything about "The American People" cause they are always saying what the American People want is so and so. I get tired of hearing that because no one has asked me what I think or what I want. I am an American People. I deserve to be asked but nooooo..... they just want to think they know what "the American People" are thinking.
The funny thing about it is our politicians cannot be farther(further)? from the truth. We don't want what they say we do. We don't ask for the legislation they put forth.
No one that I know said to their Congressional representative "I want legislation that will limit my ability to come back from a bad financial decision and live a decent life again" and yet that is what one of the laws signed into law by GW has done.
The new bankruptcy law that was shoved through by our politicians limits our ability to enter bankruptcy but allowed all of the big corporations to go bankrupt just before the law came into effect(ie. Delta Airlines).
They have had time to find ways to circumvent the new legislation so corporations are free to go bankrupt if they feel the need but you and I are restricted in many ways making it much harder for us to be able to use the same 'stop-gap' measure to renew our lives.
There is other legislation passed taking your rights and freedoms and bending them to shape what the government needs to keep you in line with the status quo. That is my take on everything.
Lets hope that within the next couple of years a third party will unveil itself to be just as powerful and charismatic as some of the other candidates and give the major two parties a run for their money, so to speak....
by for now
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