Thursday, July 25, 2013

Money Does Not Buy Politics In This Country

Now that the 2012 Presidential election is over we are hearing from the losers that they think it was weather, money, voter fraud and any other excuse, except their message, as the reason they lost.  Someone needs to have an intervention with the power to be in the Republican party and let them know their "message" is what was defeated, not their candidates necessarily however there were a few that definitely lost their way.

Yes, there were some candidates that committed political suicide with their big mouths but overall the defeat was due to the underlying feeling that hardcore right leaning people exude from every pore of their bodies a meanness that does not befit a human being.

It was the disrespect for personal freedom and rights felt by everyone including some Republican sympathizers. The utter lack of respect for laws and regulations and a moral compass is what got the Republican candidate defeated.  The attitude that cheating and lying is okay as a means to an end.  That is just plain wrong on so many levels.  Hopefully the latest loss by the right shows that a majority of our country's citizens believe in the Constitution completely and not just the part that suits them. 

Inclusion instead of exclusion should be the mantra of this great country. When someone works hard they deserve a minimum wage that will take them above what is considered the "poverty level". Otherwise, why work? The incentive to live off of the public dole is too big sometime in many parts of the country where the "socially oriented" candidates are located. The system is set up for abuse instead of efficiency. If you are like me, at this point you can see the inefficiencies in the system and together we could fix it in one legislative session.  Right?

Here is what we would strive for in my opinion.

* Those physically fit should be expected to work or pro-actively looking for work while getting assistance. Picking up trash along roadways, taking money from patrons at land fills and recycle facilities, and many other jobs that can be done by those on welfare in their local areas. Even a disabled person that can sit up in a chair and do menial tasks can earn money.
*  If you receive food stamps, you agree to buy only those items that are life sustaining edible foodstuffs that enhance everyday life and the pursuit of happiness. Alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceutical, firearms, ammo, sports, recreational, clothing or any other non-food item are prohibited items.

When given a hand up in this country, a person could rise from ashes and become a successful person. I don't know of another country in which that can happen without special favors. We have to begin taking care of our own country before we pretend to help any others.

Capitalism makes that possible.  We as a country have decided that Capitalism will be our way of handling commerce within and without our country. Let's put it to work for the benefit of our people right now!  Let's fire the electors we want to replace and let's put our country's moral fabric together again for the world to see what the United States of America really stands for!  Hip Hip Hooray!

Sorry, I got a little carried away! :)

We do have a great country and it is worth saving for our offspring.  If you have never traveled the United States of America you will find there is something special and unique about this country everywhere you travel.  Perhaps that is the way to make a connection with the USA, explore it and live it.

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