I must say I did not expect this kind of public outrage to what was happening on Wall Street and in the Mortgage/Banking business.
I thought everyone was in a daydream and did not see the direction we were going, even after Allen Greenspan talked about how everything was inflated and could not last very much longer. I cannot remember how many times I heard him say the housing situation was not going to prevail. People kept getting into the real estate frenzy, feeding the beast, until finally the bubble burst. Just like a pinada, once it burst open you could see what was inside. We saw how corrupt all of the players were. No wonder people were getting upside down in their properties, the guys making the deals were getting rich from the fees. Greed in it's purest form at the home of the deals, Wall Street.
Now the people that were reeled in by the system that screwed them are turning on bankers and mortgage brokers. Big banks and big finance corporations are going to find it tough to do business under their present names. There will probably be a run on new corporation names in the next few years as they posture themselves to strike again in the future.
None of them are being prosecuted or held responsible for the mess they created. If they get away with it now it will be easier for them to set it up for another hit in the future.
I have to applaud all of the "occupiers". I knew we had old hippies out there somewhere that would not mind going out and demonstrate again. We need you again. I can't be there full time but I will be in the groups when I can, supporting their voice against big business fraud and greed.
Thank you.
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