Three years since I posted and not much has changed in our country.
We still have a segment of our society that is ready to lynch someone right away if enough damning circumstantial evidence is available at the moment! They have existed in manifested in many ways. The Salem Witch trials, the KKK, vigilantes gangs, The James Gang, The Mafia, Hell's Angels and many other groups that are anti-society and more into power and control.
Then there are those that use their common sense and realize most politicians need to be watched very closely and criticized or praised when they deserve it. Their vote will usually be for the one they least fear will be negative for the country. Sometimes the fear is brought on by spreading false or misleading information about one of the candidates. When we can hear "first hand", not through "word of mouth", it is much better. We can let our intuition guide us as to whom we believe will be best for the country.
Then, there are the ones that will not vote at all, allowing the weakest candidate to increase their likelihood of winning majority votes. These citizens are making it harder for the "good" or "best" candidate to become elected because the "bad" or "worst" person is causing the vote to be effected. This actually harms the system and causes things to happen that should never had been considered in the first place. Crazy agendas rise to the top instead of the best agendas.
If we are going to cast a legitimate ballot, we will have had to clearly evaluate each person that wants the job. It is our responsibility to know the person by what we have personally seen them say or how they have acted in certain circumstances. Are they moral and just in our opinion? Are they ethical in their lives and while campaigning for the job? Will they faithfully carry out the job of being President of the United States Of America or will we be embarrassed by how the person acts while representing us as a society.
I know who I am voting for, do you? Judge your candidate by what you personally know about them. Are they the kind of person you are? Are their agendas the one that you would put up for consideration if you had the opportunity? Are we voting for a person or against another and is that the way to execute our responsibility of being a citizen and helping to watch over our republic?
Our votes do count, especially in an election such as the one we have in 2016. Neither of the candidates are on the top of the voter's list of people they would like to vote for but there is a glaring difference between the two candidates and we as citizens need to protect our country even more now than ever before. Our democratically governed Republic needs your assistance to save our morality and ethics that this country has exuded for it's entire existence. There have been hiccups along the way and the same type of question comes before us.
Do we want to preserve the integrity of our united country and our Republic way of life? Where no matter where you were born you have a chance to make a name for yourself as a credit to life given by our creator to us, we need to vote for the person we feel will bring stability and a feel of cooperation among the people to bring about a united states that respects individual rights and aspirations to succeed to a level of life that allows us to enjoy life to the fullest, as our creator must have had in mind when our creation was conceived.
Get involved with helping those that live far from the designated areas to cast a ballot to file an absentee ballot in plenty of time before the election. Early voting opportunities are all across our country so check with your local government representative or go online to find info for your residential area.
I have already cast my ballot. One thing I can say without equivocation, it was sad to see all of the people that are not even opposed in the election. The ballot indicates the name of the person that is in that job from the last election and he is called an "incumbent". Why is there no person wanting the job other than the incumbent? Is it such that the people that live in that voting district will mostly vote the party that occupies the position? That seems dangerous to me to have those kind of groups being used by the politicians at election time. What happened to someone presenting the alternate suggestions so the people know what ideas are out there to consider. We can't leave that entirely to the politicians because they are not trustworthy. When given the opportunity, not many humans will turn down the ability to gain an advantage in life itself.
Everyone should cast a ballot and vote for "their choice" in an election. Your choice should be an educated one and one that puts our country ahead of personal gain. United we stand, Divided we fall. That is not just the words to a song, they are prophetic words, spoken in the hopes that enough citizens of this country are balanced and loyal to our country and we can remain UNITED.