Friday, July 13, 2012

The New Super Power

Will we continue to be the world's only "super power" or will we all just have to get along?

First of all, don't try to take my guns.  I don't have any yet but when I do, don't try and take them away because I have a right to defend myself against animals or people.

However, we don't need a bunch of Hatfield's and McCoy's feuds springing up all over the country either.  So how do we approach citizens being armed to the teeth or disarmed?

It has to be with a common sense perspective.  The only way to have that is to display everything that is involved with arms control in a country.  What are we talking about?  Can the citizenry be armed or not?

I say yes and with as much power as they can accummulate.  If they live on a hillside and can construct cannons to protect themselves, I say more power to them!

On the other hand, we don't want mini-wars breaking out all over the country so how do we control everything?

We get everyone in the country to agree about how to control everything.  We agree on how to control criminal issues in our country why can we not come together and agree on arms and how they can be used.  We certainly do not want the criminal elements of our country to get an upper hand on the citizenry therefore we cannot disarm the public.

It is going to take a sober look at all of this to come to a conclusion but as a country we need to do that soon and end the debate over gun control.
