I have a couple of days off from building our house and I started cerfing the internet for news, watching television and listening to talk radio again.
Both of the major political parties have their hosts or hostettes pushing a particular agenda to anyone listening or watching that day. In the meantime, the politicians in Congress are passing legislature that is harmful for our country and giving themselves raises when everyone else has to pinch pennies to exist.
They just voted themselves a raise in salary and benefits which is called “cost of living increase” but recently sent out letters to tax paying citizens that their social security check would not get the normal “cost of living increase” this year because there was virtually no inflation in our country.
The vote was not even close to failing. For the first time in months, the Republicans and the Democrats united together and passed legislation in a timely manner. Amazing what they can accomplish in such a short time? All without much media attention I might add.
Is everyone aware that the Supreme Court of this country just ruled that it is okay for foreign corporations to use their profits to promote certain political agendas in this country?
Is it just me or can you see how much of our country is being influenced by foreign and sometimes hostile countries?
Rupert Murdock influences a great deal of the media throughout the country and that media is helping his agenda to bring our country down and they do it in the name of the Republican party. He owns FOX and other influential networks that promote division in our country. Remember Rupert is not from the USA.
China and other countries own a great deal of our country’s Real Property thanks to the relaxing of controls over corporations both domestic and foreign. Money is a strong motivator for a politician to cooperate with something that is not good for the country.
A split country like the one we have now give the powerful enemies we have in the world an advantage against us because of our lack of cohesion as a society.
Have the two parties, Democrat and Republican, gained so much power in this country that they can do anything they want without the general population reacting?
The media has succeeded in splitting us up according to political affiliations to benefit their agenda.
Now we all are obsessively engaged in right vs left. This action makes the media’s “air time” worth more money to the political advertisers who want to influence everyone’s perception of what is happening in our country. The flow of money continues and the owners of the media are getting rich off of it. The more we tug of war over our country’s leadership the more our enemies can drive a wedge in our defenses. They cannot march in and take this country by force but subtle influence can override our common sense at times and make us vulnerable.