I cannot imagine a worse situation for a country than the choices we have for our next President. I feel like one of those third world countries that has to put up with their political leaders and hope they don't screw things up so bad our country cannot recover.
The preacher that got Obama in so much trouble was speaking the truth in many of the cases. His comment about what God should do to the country because of the way we have acted politically is not far off from what God probably will do.
Our country has been taken over by those that think money and power are the only things to strive for in life. Our moral fortitude has been weakened and those in power are testing God's patience with us.
WE THE PEOPLE had better get off of our butts and start paying attention or our country will be damned.
We must stand up and resist the politicos in this country and make the government do what we want it to do. We had better stand up and resist those that would lead our country into the abyss.
Neither of the parties in power deserve your support or your money. Quit giving money to the parties and keep it in your savings. You need it much more than they do.
You will notice that even if you do not give to the parties they will still have billionaires supporting them. That is who they live off of. The money in this country runs it. That is why so many of them are in Congress and the Senate.
Actually they are elitists. I hate to use a word that is getting pushed around all over the media in this world but that is exactly what these people are. They have more money than anyone needs and they have no idea what it means to live paycheck to paycheck. Those that do are kept quiet.
We would be better off voting someone like Bob Barr into that position because he would be a good representative. Voting a third party person in does not mean they will remain impartial and that is the only thing that bothers me about him.
If Bob could somehow reach out and show how he would get both parties to cooperate and be more of a good will broker than a warrior across the world then I could vote for him.
If he can lead the Libertarian Party out of the middle ages and into today's civil world he could be the next President.