A Letter To The World
To all that are listening and reading from around the world, I would like to set the record straight about what the USA stands for.
Our "media"(television, radio, movies) is not the way to find out about this country and it's citizens. Do not believe the "War Mongers" throughout the world that would benefit by your being angry at the people governing our country. We are angry too but we can handle this problem in a peaceful way if you will have patience with us. That is what makes this country and our citizens so unique in the world and why people flock to live here. We will vote the people out of power and we will continue with our lives. That is the way we handle differences here in the country.
Do Not Believe What You See On Television!I have worked in the "media" industry for more than thirty years and I can tell you that if you use our media for indication of how life is in this country you will be mistaken. Our media is driven by headlines and those that cause them.
My partner and I own broadcast video equipment and have been on assignments all over the world. We have worked for every major network in the US and were independent "stringers" for Ted Turner's Cable News Network and other cable entities for twenty five years. We worked with the local Atlanta television stations to help them gather news footage at various important events. We have extensive experience working with news journalists in the field which gives us the insight needed to be considered experts in the industry.
Propaganda is used by the media to incite various actions around the country. Many believe the media is controlled by a particular national agenda and while it may be true that it is influenced by events I cannot say that one particular group has any more influence than another. The media reacts or causes reactions and only in very rare situations will the media "create" events. Only unethical reporters will stoop that low.
The current political apparatus in our country is out of control and does not represent the majority of the citizens. The media is controlled by corporate entities which makes the information "suspect" at the very least and unreliable in most cases.
Our government borders on being a fascist government which is based on Nationalism and corporate identification. Being a citizen of the United States of America and being proud of it is not nationalism as I am referring to it.
The Nationalism I refer to is that of the bigots, the one's that don't tolerate diversity in a society. Hitler and his regime was Nationalism at it's very core as is displayed by many regimes across the world. Ethnic cleansing is Nationalism at it's most dangerous level.
Over half of the citizens of this country believe that the government needs to be fixed. We believe that our representatives should be respected and dependable around the world not just in our country. Mostly we believe that the rest of the world should have a true picture of what the people of our country are like.
We believe that each person has a right to pursue their interests as long as it is not at the detriment of another person. Basically that gives every person born in this country the equal chance to pursue a life doing whatever they choose to do.
It is when a person does nothing that the system fails.
Everyone should hold their own and no one should be on total welfare unless they are put into a position of disability through no fault of their own. A husband or wife dies leaving a family in dire straights is no fault of the family and should be remedied by those of us in society that are much better off than the family. It is called "sharing" not "redistribution" as the pundits like to call it.
Our society will not throw them on the street to starve because we are civil and to do so would cause a major problem in our economy therefore it behooves us to create some type of mechanism to kick in when these sort of things occur.
We have to be vigilante to make sure no one takes advantage of this help by abusing the system. There needs to be security measures put in place. A monitoring mechanism that will report on the success or failure of particular programs. Those that do not work can be eliminated and this eliminates fraud in the long run.
We are so computer oriented in the USA and across the world that this should be an easy task for the computer hacks. I use the term "hacks" in the most endearing way.
For the most part our country is the great place that you read about but it is the people that make up the country and we are not happy with our politicians and their actions at this time.
Killing civilians ("innocents" is what the Koran calls them)kills the soul of the assailant. If the soul is dead there can be no reward after death. That is what should be taught in schools, churches, mosques, and etc. Who would give their life for nothing? Only the most radical thinking person would do that and education can help change their hearts and minds.
I wanted to publish this letter in hopes that enough people across the world will read it and pass the idea long. We, the citizens of the United States of America, hold these truths to be self evident. All people are created equal and deserve the opportunity to pursue happiness without the threat of war always in our forefront.
Jah knows